
Tools for Brokers and SALVUS Funds Partner to Facilitate Broker Launch

To simplify and accelerate the process of launching
brokerage businesses, Tools for Brokers (TFB), an international technology
provider catering to retail brokers, hedge funds, and prop trading companies,
has joined forces with SALVUS Funds, a prominent advisory firm specializing in
licensing and regulatory compliance.

Collaboration Streamlines Broker Processes

The collaboration between TFB and SALVUS Funds aims to
provide comprehensive support to aspiring brokers seeking company formation and
licensing services. By offering a joint package, clients can now access a range
of essential services conveniently from a single source.

Alexey Kutsenko, CEO, Tools for Brokers

TFB brings advanced solutions and White Label packages,
encompassing a liquidity bridge, risk management tools, technical support,
server hosting, and access to their ecosystem of products. Moreover, the
company extends assistance with Know Your Customer (KYC ) procedures and
onboarding processes. On the other hand, SALVUS Funds assists future brokers in
obtaining licenses in jurisdictions they specialize in, recommending optimal
choices for new companies.

Commenting on the partnership, Alexey Kutsenko, the CEO at
Tools for Brokers, stated: “Our partnership with SALVUS Funds
directly supports our mission to help our clients achieve their business goals
faster and more efficiently. We are big believers in regulated and transparent
markets that both brokers and traders can trust. With SALVUS Funds taking care
of the licensing side and Tools for Brokers providing the infrastructure, our
clients can be confident they’re set up for success. We look
forward to working with SALVUS further and expanding our partnership.”

Enhancing White Label with Main Label Solution

Nikolas Xenofontos, Managing Director at SALVUS Funds, Source: LinkedIn

As part of their offerings, Tools for Brokers introduces an
enhanced version of the traditional White Label, termed Main Label (ML).
Tailored for new retail brokers and hedge funds, the ML package provides an
all-in-one solution comprising technical infrastructure, KYC consultation,
onboarding support, and advanced options such as dedicated liquidity bridge,
price feed, round-the-clock support consultations, and risk management tools.

Nikolas Xenofontos, the Managing Director at SALVUS Funds,
added: “As we embark on this journey with Tools for Brokers, we
are excited about the opportunities it presents for our clients and the broader
online trading ecosystem. We look forward to further collaboration with TFB and
expanding the scope of our partnership, ultimately empowering more brokers to
achieve their business goals and contribute to the growth of regulated markets

To simplify and accelerate the process of launching
brokerage businesses, Tools for Brokers (TFB), an international technology
provider catering to retail brokers, hedge funds, and prop trading companies,
has joined forces with SALVUS Funds, a prominent advisory firm specializing in
licensing and regulatory compliance.

Collaboration Streamlines Broker Processes

The collaboration between TFB and SALVUS Funds aims to
provide comprehensive support to aspiring brokers seeking company formation and
licensing services. By offering a joint package, clients can now access a range
of essential services conveniently from a single source.

Alexey Kutsenko, CEO, Tools for Brokers

TFB brings advanced solutions and White Label packages,
encompassing a liquidity bridge, risk management tools, technical support,
server hosting, and access to their ecosystem of products. Moreover, the
company extends assistance with Know Your Customer (KYC ) procedures and
onboarding processes. On the other hand, SALVUS Funds assists future brokers in
obtaining licenses in jurisdictions they specialize in, recommending optimal
choices for new companies.

Commenting on the partnership, Alexey Kutsenko, the CEO at
Tools for Brokers, stated: “Our partnership with SALVUS Funds
directly supports our mission to help our clients achieve their business goals
faster and more efficiently. We are big believers in regulated and transparent
markets that both brokers and traders can trust. With SALVUS Funds taking care
of the licensing side and Tools for Brokers providing the infrastructure, our
clients can be confident they’re set up for success. We look
forward to working with SALVUS further and expanding our partnership.”

Enhancing White Label with Main Label Solution

Nikolas Xenofontos, Managing Director at SALVUS Funds, Source: LinkedIn

As part of their offerings, Tools for Brokers introduces an
enhanced version of the traditional White Label, termed Main Label (ML).
Tailored for new retail brokers and hedge funds, the ML package provides an
all-in-one solution comprising technical infrastructure, KYC consultation,
onboarding support, and advanced options such as dedicated liquidity bridge,
price feed, round-the-clock support consultations, and risk management tools.

Nikolas Xenofontos, the Managing Director at SALVUS Funds,
added: “As we embark on this journey with Tools for Brokers, we
are excited about the opportunities it presents for our clients and the broader
online trading ecosystem. We look forward to further collaboration with TFB and
expanding the scope of our partnership, ultimately empowering more brokers to
achieve their business goals and contribute to the growth of regulated markets

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