
Euronext Commodities Head Nicholas Kennedy Exits, Robin Maisonneuve Steps In

PARIS, March 5 – In a significant shift within the European exchange’s leadership, Euronext announced the departure of Nicholas Kennedy, its head of commodities for the past six years. Kennedy, who has been instrumental in steering Euronext’s commodities division, will be succeeded by Robin Maisonneuve, starting April 1. Maisonneuve, who joined Euronext last year and served as chief of staff to the CEO, steps into this role with a diverse background but without specific commodities experience.

Leadership Transition at Euronext

Kennedy’s leadership saw the introduction of cash-settled futures for durum wheat and efforts to expand Euronext’s commodity contracts into the Black Sea region, a key area for global grain market. Despite these initiatives, challenges such as attracting participants to new commodity contracts and the impact of geopolitical events have marked his tenure. Kennedy, who has been on ‘gardening leave’ since February 21, declined to comment on his departure. His successor, Maisonneuve, brings a wealth of experience from his previous roles at McKinsey & Company and artificial intelligence startup Preligens, though his entry into the commodities sector marks a new chapter for him and Euronext.

Impact on Euronext’s Commodity Business

Under Kennedy’s stewardship, Euronext’s commodity business, particularly its flagship wheat futures contract, has navigated both growth and challenges. His successor, Maisonneuve, steps into a role that is pivotal for the future of Euronext’s commodities market. Market participants have noted Maisonneuve’s lack of specific commodities experience, which could signal a period of adjustment and adaptation for Euronext’s commodities division. Moreover, Kennedy’s exploration of expanding contracts into the Black Sea region and the consideration of Romania as a physical delivery zone for maize futures highlight the strategic initiatives that have characterized his tenure.

Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

The departure of Nicholas Kennedy and the appointment of Robin Maisonneuve come at a critical time for Euronext’s commodities business. With the global grain market’s dynamics continually evolving, particularly in light of geopolitical tensions and market demands, Maisonneuve’s leadership will be crucial in steering the division forward. Euronext’s ability to adapt to these changes, capitalize on new opportunities, and navigate the challenges that lie ahead will be essential for its continued success in the commodities sector.

This leadership transition underscores the ever-changing landscape of the global commodities market and the need for exchanges like Euronext to remain agile and forward-thinking. As Maisonneuve takes the helm, all eyes will be on how he guides Euronext’s commodity business through its next phase of growth and adaptation in an increasingly complex and interconnected global market.

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