
How commodity exchanges influence food pricing

While commodities are bought and sold around the world, only a few are sold on the commodity market.

A commodity market is where commodities, including many food raw materials, are traded, much like stocks and shares.

This often affects the market price. Thus, the price of a commodity on the commodity exchange will be influenced by forces beyond the manufacturers themselves.

Commodities traded on exchanges

Prominent food commodities traded on commodity exchanges include coffee, cocoa, palm oil, sugar, wheat, orange juice, and rice.

How are prices on the commodity exchange decided?

A commodity exchange, according to Andrew Moriarty, US director of commodity insights at commodity price data company Mintec Global, allows a buyer to ‘lock in’ a supply of their desired commodity in advance through futures contracts, thus guaranteeing that they are insulated against fluctuations in the market.

“The main benefit of an exchange is that it allows buyers and sellers of physical commodities to hedge their prices long before they ever transact physically. This is crucial as it allows both sides of the physical trade to participate in price discovery and lock in that forward view long beforehand,” he told us. Price discovery is the process by which a price is realised.


Commodities such as cocoa are traded on the commodities exchange. Image Source: Getty Images/carlosgaw

How much does the commodity price affect the price on the ground?

While the prices being paid on the commodity exchange often influence how much is paid by sellers in the physical world, it usually doesn’t determine this amount exactly.

The exchange specifications are very strictly defined, Moriarty told us, in terms of standard quality and quantity, location, and the delivery period of the commodity being traded. “This is done to attract as much liquidity as possible – the higher the number of people able to transact in that industry, the better the price discovery process is.”

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