
Forbes List US Dollar Below These Global Currencies, Rupee Does Not Even Feature In Top 10

According to the Forbes report, the strength of the currency is determined by evaluating the number of goods and services which can be purchased with one unit of the national currency and foreign currency obtained in exchange. Does India feature in the first 10?

What is eating up the strength of the US dollar?

New Delhi: If you were looking for answers to what are the strongest currencies in the world, your wait is over. Forbes has released a list of 10 strongest currencies in the world (compared the Indian Rupee as well as USD), along with the factors that contribute to their prominence. However, you will be shocked to know that no, unlike what you most likely assumed — neither the hugely popular and widely used US dollar nor the emergent economic giant China’s Yen are the strongest currencies in the world.

The US dollar, though, despite being the most widely traded global currency, is tenth on the list. The Euro (the official currency of Eurozone which comprises 19 member states of the European Union) is the second-most traded currency and holds the ninth spot.

Guess which country’s currency tops the list? It’s the Kuwaiti Dinar, says the Forbes report. One Kuwaiti Dinar is equal to ₹ 270.23 and $3.25. Next comes The Bahraini Dinar, which is valued at ₹ 220.4 and $2.65, and is followed by Jordanian Dinar (₹117.10 and $1.141).

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