Gold and Precious Metals

The Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt

Also, we will not be exactly placing a container of 20 Silver Eagle Coins somewhere in the city— for security. But, inside the hidden coin container will be a unique card with a unique number and our phone number. You’ll find the container or tube, call the number, and we will trade it for 20 U.S. Mint Silver Eagles.

Remember, these are silver coins, not cash, so the price of silver can increase! Indeed, silver has increased in value from around $22 per ounce to over $32 per ounce this year to date.

Starting Monday, June 3, 2024, clues will be dropped daily on the LIVE! Daily News Show and on San Angelo LIVE!’s website about the location of the silver container.

Put down the Chutes and Ladders and bring your Chess board.

It’s up to you to find the clues and put two and two together to find the silver coins.

Also, we are running the Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt all summer long, so you’ll have three months to find the shine. And there’s more. if no one finds the coins in June, the spot where they were at will no longer be valid so June’s coins will roll over into July. That means if no one finds the container in June, there will be 40 silver coins for the prize in July. If no one finds the coins in July either, the prize increases to 60 Silver Eagles in August. For valuation purposes, as of May 31, each Silver Eagle coin is worth a tad over $40 per coin.

Remember, the tube or container will be on public land, not private, so no trespassing or mischief. No climbing, swimming, or digging as the container will be in plain sight and easy to get. It will be inside the San Angelo city limits so there will no travel time involved.

To learn more about about U.S. Mint Silver Eagle coins, visit Cano’s Diamonds & Coins at 1016 West Beauregard Avenue.

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