
Highest and lowest ranked ag. commodities in Texas by cash receipts

Cattle came in number one in Texas and number two nationally, only below corn, yielding $11.557 billion to state agricultural cash receipts in 2022, according to USDA data released this week.

Shortly before the annual Census of Agriculture scheduled for this week, the United States Department of Agriculture completed its analysis of commodity production and sales data for 2022. On Wednesday, the department released final rankings from highest to lowest for commodities in both the entire U.S. and individual states, with the region’s cattle and dairy industry, along with cotton and other crops, bringing in big numbers for the state and nation.

Despite slight changes in production for most commodities in the recent season (2023-24), with increases seen in crops like corn and sorghum and decreases in others like cotton and sunflowers, it is expected that commodity rankings for the state of Texas will closely mirror those of the previous year — the most recent data available.

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